Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Dzienziels and Sister Found

A favorite monthly event was having dinner with Brother Ziggy and Sister Gunda Dzienziel and Sister Mary Found.  We enjoyed being with these folks so much, filling ourselves with delicious food, one month at Sister Found’s, the next at the Dzienziels.  Brother Ziggy and Sister Gunda are immigrants from Germany and Poland who experienced extreme hardships during the war.  They would touch on these as we visited at dinner and Sister Gunda always thrilled us with her delicious German dishes.  Prior to our last dinner in the Dzienziel’s home we took these photos.  They have a beautiful home that makes us feel like we are relaxing in an English garden.  Sister Found, in her mid eighties, bakes a loaf of her incredibly good whole wheat bread each week for the missionaries, we Seniors included. 

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