Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fall Arrives

With the coming of fall we are made even more aware our time in the mission field is limited.  We have gotten into a good, steady pattern now, knowing who we should visit and when.  We continue to spend a lot of time preparing food and washing dishes. From the early days of our mission we have been visiting Sister Linda Allen, a dear friend now whose daughter joined the church a few years previous.  Although Sister Allen
enjoys our visits she has no interest in our teaching her about the restored gospel.  We are hopeful in time her heart will soften to the gospel message. We also try to make certain we visit Brother Buster Gates and his wife Laurel at the Lake Shore Care Center each week, often bringing goodies or soup with us.  Brother Gates expresses his appreciation over and over for our visits. Also included is a photo showing our car filled with refreshments for a Stake Missionary Fireside.  It was our branch’s turn as host, and we wanted to be sure there was plenty for a potentially large crowd. 

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