Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Our Mission in SWNY Ends

During the past month our branch friends have frequently made the comment, "I bet you're sure excited to get home!"  We answer, hesitantly, how much we've missed our family back in Utah and how good it will be to see them.  Thanks to Skype and Facetime we have been able to see all of them now and then via computer but its not like being with them in person.  Our newest little grandson Oliver, was born May 25th.  It will be so good to see all of them.

But we certainly will miss our friends in the Cattaraugus Branch.  Feeling a little conflicted yet excited too, on Wednesday, October 16, 2013, with the help of Elder Wood and Elder Hales, we loaded up our Chrysler Pacifica and drove away from the Cattaraugus mission area, the place where we had loved and struggled for eighteen months.  As we departed we felt a powerful sense of gratitude for this opportunity.  The eighteen months seemed “but a moment" yet they changed us forever.  Our hearts are filled with love for the people we’ve met, for the young Elders we served with, for our Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ, and above all, for the eternally important message of the Restored Gospel.  We have been so blessed!

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