Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Our Dear Friends, Ted and Denise Hoca

Of all the members of the Cattaraugus Branch, the ones we have spent the most time with and grown to know and love, are the Hocas, Ted and Denise.  Sister Denise and I have worked together with the Primary music, the music for Sacrament Meeting, and the Branch Choir.  She is a wonderful pianist and organist.  I led the music and she played the accompaniment.  Ted was serving as Young Men’s President until recent months when he took over Elder Jeppesen’s calling as Branch Mission Leader.  We have enjoyed many meals and social gatherings at the Hoca’s home.  Ted’s sister Claudia, a concert pianist, was in a terrible car accident and they took her in to their home for a while.  A benefit concert was held for Claudia. We attended it with the Hocas, after having dinner together at Red Lobster in Hamburg. 

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