Thursday, September 12, 2013

Our Young Elders

It doesn’t take long for us to become quite attached to the young Elders serving with us in the branch. We are often taking them with us to visit the sites or traveling to district and/or zone meetings. Taking them out for lunch afterwards is a weekly affair.  When district meeting is in Freedom Branch (Arcade) our Cattaraugus group joins the Freedom group and we go to the Pizza Hut buffet.  On the opposite week when the meeting is in Cattaraugus we go to the Native Pride Restaurant on the Rez.  This little excursion gives us a chance to catch up with the latest from our senior cohorts the Westerns, and gives the young Elders a chance to socialize.  Until recently when Elder Jeppesen was released as Branch Mission Leader, we held the weekly missionary meetings in our apartment and fed the missionaries lunch afterward.   The young Elders living in the apartment below us have also learned they like my chocolate chip cookies and frequently stop in at the end of their day to share experiences and have cookies or root beer floats.
Elder Van Leeuwen celebrated his birthday with us in July so after our dinner I served his favorite dessert, rice pudding. (see photo)

The new mission President, President Francis decided to add two more missionaries to serve in our area.  The Branch area was divided in half and Elder Ivie and Elder Hales now serve in the southern half.  They are living in an apartment Elder Jeppesen and I located for them in Gowanda.  We now refer to those two as the Gowanda Elders and the ones living in our complex the Angola Elders.  Last Sunday was transfer day.  We were happy to learn there were no changes in the missionaries here, but Cattaraugus is now a District of it’s own.  The drive over to Arcade (Freedom Branch) is absolutely beautiful and I’m sure we will miss it but with the Westerns leaving and us just a month later, it will help with milage.

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