Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Fields of Southwestern New York

The area here is always lush and green.  Elder Jeppesen is awed by the farming enterprises we see as we drive throughout the mission area.  We have been watching the fields on the intersection of Brant/Reservation Road and Milestrip.  The first year was planted in cabbage but because the season was so dry, even with an overhead sprinkler the cabbage was unable to grow as it should. The inside was too hard so they simply plowed many acres of cabbage back into the ground.  This year it was planted with tomatoes.  The effort was very labor intensive, with plastic sheeting covering the mounds, a drip system with fertilizer added to the water, and staked up so the tomatoes could be supported.  We were told these could be picked green and shipped.  They grew to plants of all sizes.  We were totally amazed at how fast they grew once all the labor involved in planting was completed.

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