Thursday, September 12, 2013

Jeri, Dan, Hayden, Jack and Libby Visit New York

When we think of high points in our mission it always includes those special visits from family and friends back home.  Just a short time before Jeri’s family came out to visit, their oldest son Hayden received his mission call to Neuquen, Argentina.  Our oldest grandchild!  It was so wonderful having them with us as we toured the church history sites and wandered through the sacred grove.  Hayden left for the MTC just shortly after their visit.  We were able to get a photo of our handsome missionary standing next to the “apostle tree” and see him once more before he left.  Such a good time—Jeri, Dan, Hayden, Jack and Libby—all here in New York with Grandpa and Grandma!  They even timed it so they were able to see the Hill Cumorah Pageant with us.  It meant so much!

While at the Kirtland Temple site we met a young family dressed like Joseph Smith, Emma and their children.  The mother is writing a children’s book and the family was visiting church history sites to take photos for illustrating the book.  She took our name and email address.   Who knows, maybe down the road we will be able to purchase a copy of her book. 

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