Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Little Oliver is Born, other special events

On May 25, 2013, little Oliver was born back home in Blanding, Utah to Kelly and Andrea's little family.  Now Jonas, Luke, and Alice have a baby brother.  What a wonderful blessing, and how grateful we are for SKYPE to help us keep in touch!

Occasionally, when we don’t have appointments on Monday, we spend our preparation day seeing the sights. Last month we went to Chautaugua Institute, a unique gated community that hosts remarkable concerts, art exhibits and guest speakers.  This particular day we were able to sit in the amphitheater and listen to Brian Greene explain quantum mechanics and string theory.  It was awesome!

Another incredible P-day was spent at Letchworth Park.  Several members had told us about this beautiful place and we looked forwards to going for months.  When the time came though we had a terrible time locating it.  Our GPS was useless.  We found ourselves driving around almost on top of this expansively beautiful site unable to find the entrance.  After better than an hour of serious frustration, we at last located it.  Our reservations were waiting for us in the Glen Iris Inn that night and dinner in the Inn’s beautiful restaurant.  Afterwards, even though a light rain was falling, we walked around the park, saw the gorgeous waterfalls and took in the Seneca Indian village complete with Mary Jemison’s statue. I had previously read Mary Jemison’s history and was captivated by her tragic and informative story.  She was a young girl, kidnapped by the Indians, her family murdered, and eventually adopted by the Senecas.  The Senecas treated her like one of their own. She was married to a chief and had several children.  Many of her ancestors are living on the reservation now; many of the Jimmersons, Jamisons, Jemisons, trace their ancestry back to Mary Jemison.

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