Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dusty Nephew is Baptized!

We continue to have our share of frustration. The phone calls we make are not answered, the appointments we made previously all fall through, and we drive for miles to knock on the doors of a few less active members only to find them not at home, or worse still, home and not answering their door. But then there are other days—days like today—when everything seems perfect.   Today Dusty Nephew got baptized!  Brother Nephew has been an investigator for years—one of those investigators who attends church every Sunday, whose wife is Primary President, and whose three young children make him appear the ideal Daddy.  Today, this remarkable man made a commitment with God to enter the gate and begin his life anew.  We were very much involved in the day’s events and had worked hard, like several other missionaries, teaching him and his family over the years.   Sixty-plus people attended the service. The program was lovely, the spirit strong, and the food afterwards delicious.  It will always be one of the high points of our mission.  Brother Nephew’s strength and goodness will bless his family and the Branch for years to come.  More importantly, though, he will go forth in his life, knowing he has done what the Lord requires, and is now on that straight and narrow path leading towards eternal life.   

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