Friday, April 5, 2013

Thoughts as we close in on one year in the mission

Finding investigators is tough.  People are not inclined to open their hearts to our message even though we’d all like to be giving more Preach My Gospel lessons.  We continue knocking on doors and encouraging branch members to reach out to extended families as President Jones constantly counsels.  Each week we meet with the missionaries in our apartment for Branch Missionary meeting.  Pictured above with Elder Jeppesen is Elder Hunt and Elder Williams. Although giving more PMG lessons is an on-going objective we always find opportunities for service.   In the past month Elder Jeppesen and I have made several trips with needy members to doctor’s appointments and grocery shopping.  We take soups and rolls to several homebound members and always try to share a little food for the spirit with them too when we visit.  Some of those we keep close tabs on are Sister Boehm who is receiving dialysis, Brother Hockenburger, struggling with advanced age, Sister John, a recent amputee, and Sister Wease, whose family has many needs.  There are couple investigators on our visiting list along with many who are less active.  In the past year we have had lots of tender faith-filled moments while sharing the truths of the gospel.  Brother Mike Sternisha was ordained to the office of Elder two weeks ago.  We’re so happy for their progress in the church.  The branch now has 19 active Melchizedek priesthood holders.  15+ need to be maintained for at least one year to become a ward.  It’s likely the Cattaraugus Branch will be a ward by 2014.  Good things are happening here, the gospel is true, and we continue to testify “there is great healing power in the restored gospel!”  It is a privilege to be serving the Lord and we are both learning so much.

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