Friday, April 5, 2013

An Easter Visit with Ty's Family

Easter weekend was incredible!  Our oldest son Ty, his wife Anne, their two sons Wic and Peter, and their two daughters Jane and Margaret spent several days with us.  We went to Niagara Falls Canada on Saturday.  It was a beautiful, sunny day.  We took in the falls then went to the butterfly emporium.  Butterflies of every kind and color flew in, around, and on us.  We got some fantastic photos. Sunday we took in church at the Cattaraugus Branch and tried to introduced them to as many of our friends as we could. It was a beautiful Easter service. The branch choir, all twenty of them, sang “I Stand All Amazed.”  The spirit was strong and once again we were reminded of the blessings of the Atonement and our Savior’s love.   Ty’s family was anxious to meet our converts from last summer, Mike and Marlene Sternisha, so we invited the Sternishas to join us for Easter dinner at our apartment after church.
Even though the weather was cold and unpredictable we had a great time visiting the church history sites.  The wind gusts on top of Hill Cumorah nearly sent us airborne! Two of our sister missionary guides had previously served in our Zone so it was fun seeing them again. Sister Shank conducted the tour at the Joseph Smith Farm and Sister Raine at the Peter Whitmer Farm.  Walking through the grove, seeing the historic farmstead, hearing our sweet six-year-old granddaughter in the Peter Whitmer cabin bear testimony of the restoration and the prophet Joseph, were memories we’ll cherish forever.   Thanks Ty and Anne for a great visit!

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