Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Friends from the Cattaraugus Branch

Buzz Dabolt, recently reactivated, has become a dear friend.  Brother Buzz has a great sense of humor and is a hard-working grape farmer, so Elder Jeppesen especially enjoys his colorful farm stories. The first time we went to visit Brother Buzz our GPS led us far astray.  We called him and he gave us directions.  When he asked what kind of car we were driving he laughingly stated that he was standing on his deck watching us drive back and forth past his house—the reason for the photo of him standing on his deck phone in hand.  It makes us laugh whenever we think about it.

Sister Ruthie Wease joined the church about two years ago.  Her husband Terry is not interested in the church.  Ruthie’s son David was baptized too but is not active.  Because the family doesn’t own a car we spend many afternoons taking Terry to the eye doctor or Ruthie to buy groceries.  Sister Ruthie is always so appreciative and shows her appreciation by fixing dinner for us now and then.  She loves to cook and recently gave me a hand-written recipe book of her favorite recipes. 

Sister Jenny John was injured in a car accident the December before our arrival.  Through it all she lost her leg and was very sick.  When we first visited her she was in the hospital and it was doubtful she would survive.  She has since returned home and has around the clock nursing services.

Sister Judy Boehm is another sister who has come very close to leaving this life.  We have spent many hours with Judy taking her to dialysis, providing her with dinner and Gospel Principles lessons, always happy when Vickie Seneca and Jeanne Berlin join us.   At the present time Judy is doing quite well and coming to church.  When she first regained her strength we picked her up for church but more recently Vicki has been bringing her.  Vicky lost a 3 year-old grandson in tragic circumstances a few months ago and has always been an attentive, loving grandmother so we have been concerned about her and glad she is coming with Judy to church.  Jeanne Berlin has become a dear friend but does not attend church at the Cattaraugus Branch.

William and Pat Shomers live in East Otto.  They have a beautiful home on a gorgeous hillside complete with pond and beautiful flowers.  Through our visits they have become good friends.  Recently, as we were leaving, Sister Shomers stated, “Don’t be surprised if you see us in church one of these Sundays.”  We were thrilled.

Monty and Corline Campbell are long-time members of the Branch who do their part and more when it comes to supporting the missionaries.   We have had several delicious meals in their home.  Their home, yard and surroundings are incredibly beautiful and they work hard keeping it that way. 

Brother Douglas Bunker is in our Stake High Council.  He is a devoted, dedicated and articulate man, active in civic and national affairs, and has traveled widely.  Although his health is failing somewhat he still remains active.  His wife, a non-member, is an accomplished academician with a busy, influential life who has taught at Columbia University and now works as a consultant for Disney Corp.  Brother Bunker owns a large farm where he raises beef cattle, sheep, and pigs.  Recently he took us on a tour of his farming operation.  The meat is packaged and sold at weekend Farmer’s Markets throughout the wider Buffalo area.  The Bunkers live in a beautifully expansive wood home of modern architecture.  At the back of their stunningly decorated great room/library are two-story windows where one can peer down across the treetops and into the valleys of their lovely mountain property.  We’ve enjoyed these farm tours and also enjoyed getting to know Brother Bunker.  He is truly an asset to our Branch.

Brother Stephen Blood is an example of many on our visiting list who lives such a busy life it is impossible to catch him at home, and phone calls are seldom answered.  We visited Brother Blood just once in the 14+ months we’ve been here and were pleasantly received. Even though it’s likely he won’t be home we willingly drive the several miles out to his home in Springville in part because the drive is beautiful, through rich farm country and lush green rolling hills and to get another glimpse at his beautifully landscaped yard, home and barn.   Included is a photo of his barn, taken just last week. 

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