Tuesday, July 31, 2012


As we sat in Sacrament meeting last week I was overcome with gratitude and filled with a testimony of the truthfulness of this work we are engaged in.  We were sitting next to our dear friends, Mike and Marlene Sternisha, who had just recently set the Aug. 10th date for their baptism.  I looked over the congregation and, surprisingly, there was not one face I didn't recognize.  As the speakers addressed the topic of the Restoration I reflected once more on Joseph Smith and the events leading up to the restoration of the gospel.  We had just returned from Palmyra, having enjoyed the Pageant and stayed at the John Young home, and even done a session at the Palmyra Temple.  Serving here in the cradle of the restoration, and more recently, reflecting often upon the great things that transpired here has been a powerful boost for my personal testimony.  I am so grateful for my knowledge and for the Prophet Joseph.   We are so blessed to "be enlisted."  "Happy are we, Happy are We."

1 comment:

  1. We are enlisted, also....jealous are we...jealous are we!! How exciting to be in the birthplace of the church. We are so happy for you to be there. You are doing a great job.
