Tuesday, July 31, 2012

An amazing fact about Southwestern New York that we had not anticipated is that it is made up of countless small towns, each with their own antiquated town center. As an example, here is the town center of Cattaraugus.  Each rural town also has it's own cemetery.  I'm not used to seeing such big cemeteries in such small towns, but I have to remind myself these communities have been populated much longer than those I'm acquainted with in Utah.  As we drive through our branch district it seems the minute we leave one township we drive into another.  Our Branch area includes twenty of these small towns within a 50 by 50 mile area.  This mission requires a lot of driving.  Our first month we put 2500 miles on our car.  Thank goodness we can gas up on the reservation where they don't collect state taxes so we get our gas at quite a discount.

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