Monday, August 13, 2012

Mike and Marlene Sternisha are Baptized and back home Ben is too!!

Our grandson Ben was baptized this year.  Even though we weren't able to be there, we know what an important event it was for him.  What made it even more special was that not long after his baptism, way out in New York our friends the Sternishas were also baptized.

In the MTC we were told, "The Lord is preparing the people you will teach.  The Holy Ghost will be the one who converts them.  Just make sure you are obediently doing what good missionaries do and you will have success."  This was made apparent early on in our experience with our friends the Sternishas.  Mike and Marlene had already been doing their own searching, studying and investigating.  We met them in church even! We sat down in back of them our second week at the Cattaraugus Branch, became acquainted, and the rest is history.  We connected with them so quickly and really have always enjoyed being together.  Not only were we praying for them, but some of our family members were fasting and praying for them too.  Last Friday night, August 10, they were baptized.  We had a nice program in the chapel:  Elder Jeppesen and I gave the talks on Baptism and the Holy Ghost; Ira Jones conducted; President Jones, his father, and his three sons sang, in beautiful four part harmony, "Come Unto Jesus."  Following the baptism several bore their testimonies. With the help of some ladies in the Branch, a nice meal was provided afterward.  It was a special, memorable night for the Sternishas and for us.  Many prayers have been answered and continue to be.

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