Saturday, September 8, 2012

Transfer day for the young missionaries

Last Tuesday was transfer day for the young missionaries.  Elder Kitt, who has been with us since we arrived, was transferred to the Warsaw Ward.  Here is a photo of the missionaries in our district (the Freedom Branch and Cattaraugus Branch) right before the transfer. Left to right:  Elder Neilson, Sister Neilson, Elders Allen, Inkley, Kitt and Richardson, Sister Jeppesen and Elder Jeppesen.  We had dinner last night in our apartment for the new missionary, Elder Munnerlyn, along with Elder Richardson and our new converts, Mike and Marlene Sternisha.  It was a great night, good spirit, and seeing the Sternishas already so strong in the gospel was inspiring.  The two are preparing to speak in Sacrament meeting in a couple weeks, and Mike will be receiving the Aaronic Priesthood next Sunday.  Elder and Sister Neilson have become our great friends.  They are newlyweds of a year and a half.  Each have six children and numerous grandchildren back home and are serving a six month mission that ends in October.  Elder Neilson, as you can see, is someone to look up to!  Both are dedicated missionaries and we've enjoyed getting to know them.  The leaves are starting to turn already.  It's going to be incredibly beautiful here in a couple weeks.  Four months into our mission.  The blessings still coming in rich abundance.

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