Monday, June 25, 2012

Our investigator friends Mike and Marlene Sternisha went with us to Palmyra last Saturday.  We had a picnic on Hill Cumorah, took the tour there, then drove to the Smith Farm, had the tour there too, then spent some time in the Sacred Grove.  It was a beautiful day and we had a great time.  We're hoping the Sternishas continue to feel the spirit and progress in their lives towards the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We are giving them missionary lessons each week on Wednesdays.

Today has been spent working on materials for the branch missionary training tomorrow night.  Ten missionaries have been called to help us in an effort to contact the 146 members of our Branch not receiving home teachers at this time.  It's an ambitious endeavor.  We will be helping branch missionaries with this assignment and also continue visiting inactive branch members.

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