Tuesday, February 26, 2013

High Tech Dairy

Elder Jeppesen is always interested in the farming ways of Western New York, so when Elder Jensen, who works at the mission office, arranged for us to see a high tech dairy where the cows are milked by robots, Elder J was anxious to take a look.  The setup was pretty impressive. 

Lunch with the Sisters

I often get lonesome for some chatty “girl talk” so it was great fun having lunch with friends at the four corners restaurant in Eden.   Pictured are: Sisters Jeanne Berlin, Denise Hoca, Vicky Seneca and myself.  We need to do this again!

A Valentine's Dinner

The High Priests of our Branch held a first time ever Sweethearts Dinner for Valentine’s Day.  We had grilled steaks and lots of yummy food and a fun program.  The Jones’ even got me to sing and play the guitar with them.

Wintery Weather

The weather here for the most part has been milder than back home in Utah.  When the Northeaster hit Buffalo a while back we received just a couple inches of snow.  The weather changes a lot from place to place. Just a few miles from here there are areas that received a lot of snow. We’ve had a few really cold days, and blowing snow that makes driving and knocking on doors miserable, but so far it hasn’t been too bad.  The worst was the night we had to pick up a member from the Buffalo airport because their car had problems.  The blowing snow and icy roads made for white knuckle driving but Elder Jeppesen handled it well.  We arrived home safely about midnight.

Temple Excursion with Sternishas

Brother and Sister Sternisha went to the Palmyra Temple last month and did baptisms for family members.  Sister Sternisha got the names temple ready during a family history workshop at President Jones’.  I called to make temple arrangements and we had a nice Saturday excursion to Palmyra on January 26.  Brother and Sister Hoca, Brother and Sister Campbell, Elders Richardson, Vasquez, Williams, and Hunt attended the session with us. 

February's Update

Here we are, nearly ten months into our mission.  The time continues to fly. Last night we attended President Christianson’s missionary fireside in Amherst.  We have several new missionaries here now, some just 18 years old.  In last transfer our mission received 18 Elders and 2 Sisters and next transfer will receive 10 more Elders and 10 Sisters. 

We are seeing growth in our own Cattaraugus Branch.  Sacrament Meeting attendance is up, which is encouraging.  Elder Jeppesen continues to serve as Branch Mission Leader.  We hold weekly meetings in our apartment with the young Elders.  They live in the apartment just below ours.  The Elders usually stay and have lunch with us after the meeting.  We often provide another meal for them during the week as well.  I’ve given several Elder haircuts and no complaints so farJ Elder Jeppesen and I are teaching two families right now, an investigator couple and a less active family.  It’s difficult yet to say whether they are going to make progress in the gospel but we are sending our prayers up hoping it will happen.  Sundays are really busy days for us. Meetings start for Elder Jeppesen at 7:00 am.   I’m still leading music wherever it’s needed. The branch choir is preparing a nice Beebe arrangement of “I Stand All Amazed” for Easter Sunday.  Easter weekend is something we’re really looking forwards to because our oldest son Ty and his family are coming out then to spend a few days and visit Church History sites.