Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Farmhouse Christmas Vacation with Jeff's Family

Scout has a sixth sense when it comes to finding perfect vacation places, and Dryden Brook Farm was no exception.  What a fun, perfect place to spend some snowy Christmas vacation days.  The scene through the farmhouse window showing a beautiful red barn and creek was frosting on the cake.  One afternoon Jeff and I helped the boys make a miniature winter scene just like we made when he was small, even using the same Christmas Village. The warmth of the cozy wood-burning stove as we watched it's flames; the perfect hill for sledding; the chicken coop where the boys could gather eggs; snuggling up and watching the family Christmas video; all of this and just hanging out together.   Things don't get much better than this!  

Another Inspiring Meeting with President and Sister Christianson

One of the greatest blessings of our mission has been the testimony building firesides, missionary meetings, and devotionals we have been able to attend.  Granted, this mission is not about us. Still, when it comes to spiritual opportunities, our time here has been incredible!  I am so grateful for my added understanding of how the Book of Mormon and Bible compliment each other (truly becoming one in thine hand); the significance of the gathering of Israel; and how Christ’s gospel, the restored gospel, the same as organized during Christ’s mortal ministry, is the only true way to eternal life. 

Through working with the branch members, participating in these events, and doing what we can, our testimonies and love for gospel truths has grown so much. 

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, and mostly because, “We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.” 2 Nephi 25:26. 

Our Thoughtful Children at Christmas

Our five children, their spouses, and their children all made extra efforts this year to assure we missionaries had a great Christmas, and didn't get too homesick in the process.  They sent handmade ornaments for our little Christmas tree, wrote inspiring notes, created beautiful Christmas cards, and recorded, in a joint effort, a 45 minute family video.  Although we told them over and over, I still don't think they realize how much these special things made our Christmas in Southwestern New York so memorable.  You are all wonderful!

Christmas Parties

I have to admit--I like planning parties.  The Cattaraugus Branch had it's Christmas party on December 20, 2012.   This year I got to be in the middle of things.  It took lots of time and attention, but everyone seemed to have a great time.  Good food, good friends, and fun program. Even a Cattaraugus Branch Men's Chorus singing, "A Christmas Spectacular."  Thanks to Heath Garlow, Santa made his annual visit as well.

Just a few days prior to this, Brother and Sister Ted and Denise Hoca threw a festive neighborhood Christmas party.  We had President and Grandpa Jones there to entertain, lots of great food, some fun games, and several non-member friends to visit with.  Then, on Christmas Eve morning, the Hoca's made breakfast for the missionaries, a tradition that Brother Hoca began many years ago.  You can't ask for better member-missionaries than the Hocas.  They have become dear friends.

Christmas Gifts to Branch Members

Elder Jeppesen and I wanted an excuse to visit branch members during the month of December so we made a bag of sticky popcorn and a CD of the free Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas music for each household.  We spent the mornings popping corn and the afternoons and evenings delivering.  It was a great way to share the Christmas spirit and gospel message.  

Monday, December 24, 2012

Our walks on Hammond Road

The weather has been mild compared to what we are expecting here in Southwestern New York, so on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Elder Jeppesen and I walk on Hammond road at sunset.  There is very little traffic and the terrain is just gentle, sloping hills.

Thanksgiving in the mission

During the month of November we finished our branch missionary effort of finding and reporting on those not receiving home or visiting teachers (about 140 heads of family).  It was a lot of work, and now we're hoping all the corrections get recorded on the branch roster.

Thanksgiving was special for us this year.  The Campbells had invited us to Thanksgiving Dinner months previous, but just three weeks before Thanksgiving Sister Campbell was stricken with a bad case of Shingles.  The generous couple still wanted to have Thanksgiving at their home so the Campbell's daughter Lindsay and we prepared the traditional meal and took it to them.  Sister Campbell was able to enjoy it despite her illness, and we had a pleasant and bountiful turkey dinner.