Friday, October 19, 2012

Autumn Arrives, Visitors from Utah

Our dear friends Maurice and Alaine Carter and Kenny and Diana Davis visited us in the missionfield the weekend of Oct. 11 to 15.  What a fun time we had together!  It was a nice break from the work to do some sight-seeing with them.  Thursday night we got back from the airport in just enough time to see sunset at Sunset Beach on Lake Erie.  We spent Friday at Niagara Falls in both the Canadian side and the U.S. side.  We toured historic Old Fort Niagara and had dinner in the Skylon Tower in Canada overlooking the falls.  Saturday we visited the church sites in Palmyra.  Kenny and Diana had never been this far east so it was all new to them.  We went to the Sacred Grove, Hill Cumorah, John Young Home, Tomlinson Inn, and the Peter Whitmer Farm and Cabin. Autumn with it's beautiful colors was still in full sway.  Fall is incredible in this part of the world! I took a photo of the leaves on the ground in front of our apartment this morning as the sun was peeking through.  It was just lovely! The Freedom Branch senior missionaries the Neilsons have left for home after serving 6 months and have been replaced by the Westerns from Alpine Utah.  We met with them this morning in District meeting and they are just great folks.  Elder Richardson and Elder Munnerlyn are still with us and are working hard in the branch area.  We're having another baptism on Oct. 27. A young girl named Mandy from Fredonia.  The Primary children did a bang up job with the Primary program Sunday.  I enjoyed leading the music for them.  There were just seven but they sang their hearts out.  The Davis' and Carters were able to attend church with us at the branch that day.  We've spent a couple days this week visiting members of the branch who are sick and in the hospital.  Sister Boehm at Kenmore Mercy Hospital, Sister John at Eric County Medical Center, and our good friend Freeman Hockenburger who is receiving home care.